Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ranch Rodeo

A couple weeks ago, Healing Hearts Ranch put on a ranch rodeo to raise money for the ranch. It was a smashing success...or I should say God greatly blessed Scott and everyone at the Ranch. Admission was $1 and there were dozens of items auctioned off, both by silent auction and by live auction. The crowd numbered over 600 and there were 10 (I think) teams competing from all over the state. When it was all said and done, over $20,000 was raised!!!!! Wow! I'm excited to see where God is taking them. They touch so many lives every day. 
My whole family was able to make it. The cousins had so much fun playing together and watching the competition. If you've never been to a ranch rodeo, you should go the next time you have a chance. All of the events are based on what happens on a real, working ranch. Ranch rodeos are actually where today's rodeos started from. Some examples of the events included doctoring, trailer loading, and roping. It was fun to watch the teams compete!

Papa, giving a DOUBLE shoulder ride to Anna and Isaac! Crazy man.

 This was supposed to be a picture to show the arena but evidently I aimed a little too low! Ha. I don't even know who those boys are!

Even better was getting to hang out with the Dashiells at the rodeo! Stacey and I are kindred-spirit country girls, feeling the most at home at things like ranch rodeos (while our city-boy husbands feel quite out of place! Lol).

 This little cowboy was SO excited for the rodeo! I had to wake him up from a nap to go, and he was happy as could be when he found out we were headed to the rodeo. He insisted on finding his cowboy hat! :)

 The cousins had a lot of fun watching and playing together. The older boys disappeared for most of the evening, playing ball with other kids and playing in the dirt. The girls, especially Anna, were pretty well riveted to the action in the arena.

 Anna now has another goal in become the little cowgirl that rides out into the arena before and after the rodeo carrying the American flag! 

 Not to be left behind, Isaac took his turn climbing the fence to watch the action up close.

We brought Anna's chaps and vest to share for pictures. Toward the end of the rodeo, she couldn't wait any longer to put them on. She leaned up against the fence and said, "Mom, take my picture!" 

It was a very fun night for everyone. The teams did great, the kids had fun, and we raised a lot of money for an awesome organization that is pursuing God's will and glorifying Him in what they do. I'd call that a smashing success!

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