Saturday, May 25, 2019

Flooding at Ponderosa Trails

 We have been getting so much rain the last few weeks. My garden is at my parents' (Ponderosa Trails) and it's been under water for over 2 weeks now! And still more rain to come next week. Thankfully no damage to their house or Grandma Mary's house, or really any of the other buildings. But Dad hasn't been able to get to work a few times because of flooded roads! The water over their road and driveway usually recedes fairly quickly, but a lot of the other roads around them remain flooded for days (or weeks in some cases!).

My poor fruit trees! We planted 6 of them this spring and they are definitely getting plenty of water!! I just hope they can survive until things dry out...if they ever do!

Dad went canoeing in their yard!! To the left of that tree row is where the driveway should be!

The pond is overflowing and almost to the bottom of the bridge. We're realizing that it's possible the entire area where we planted my garden,the pumpkin patch, and fruit trees might have been an extension of the pond originally! They've only lived there for 2 years, and we had been in a drought for a couple years before that so the pond was very low when they moved in! We never imagined it would reach this far!

My garden is to the left, behind the chicken wire fence. My compost pile is about to float away!

The dock is almost under water.

This little pergola used to be quite a few feet from the pond...actually, before the drought ended we were able to mow between it and the pond! now it's about 2 feet under water.

The tin fish is about to become a real fish!

My poor garden. This is my peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes (and volunteer onions from last year!). It's all about 2 feet under water and has been for 2+ weeks!! To the right of this pic is the pumpkin patch, which now has fish in it!

More rain tonight, tomorrow, and Tuesday at least...we might float away!

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