Thursday, June 6, 2019

Mulberries and More!

Not sure if it's all the moisture, the cooler Spring temps, or just a good year, but the harvest is plentiful at Ponderosa Trails this year (except for my poor garden)! We picked some mulberries and crab apples last year, but not enough to speak of really. We made a few small jars of crab apple jam. The kids ate the mulberries before anything could be made with them. This year, the crab apple tree is LADEN with fruit! And we've found more mulberry trees on the property!!

We also found Sandhill Plums! Everywhere! We thought that's what a lot of the bushes along the trails were, but they never had any fruit on them last year. Hopefully I can harvest enough to make some jam with them this year. I remember Shirley Saxton always making Sandhill Plum jelly and bringing it to church to share with everyone.

Soooo may mulberries. The tree is so tall we'll never be able to reach all of it. The kids ate the first bucket-full in short order (granted all but 1 of the grandkids were out that day!) We discovered another mulberry tree next to the one we picked off of last's a white mulberry tree!

I climbed as high as I could on the 10 foot ladder and basically could just reach the lowest branches! We need to get back out there to harvest some more. Mulberry jam sounds really good!

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