...or we'll both lose our minds!!
Aaron is traveling for work this week (Happy Birthday Honey!), so Mom came down to stay with us while he's gone. Whew!! Last week was a train wreck, so I'm glad she's here. I just might have ended up going stark-raving mad had she not!!!!!
I'm afraid Jacob is a combination of Jamie and my cousin Seth. Grant it, if Jacob turns out even close to what these two guys have--he'll be great. But it's the getting there that causes stress and heartache and NIGHTMARES OF MY SON DESTROYING MY HOUSE...oh wait, those aren't nightmares! It really happens!!!! I love Jacob more than life itself, but heavens to Betsy does he ever test me every minute of the day! I think the Lord is sitting in heaven saying "Daughter, I'm trying to teach you patience...aren't you getting it yet???" :) Today, Mom had the air mattress rolled up sitting in front of the TV cabinet. Jacob is fascinated with the DVD/VCR and we're constantly after him not to touch it (he's already gotten one DVD stuck in the VCR part!). So anyway, he kept climbing up on the mattress and trying to mess with the VCR. The first time, Mom told him "No. Don't climb up there." He did it again. The second she stopped talking. She took him down, swatted him, and said "No. Don't climb up there." He did it again. The second she stopped talking. She took him down, swatted him, and said "No. I said don't climb up there." He did it again...............are you getting the picture?! This had to have happened at least 6 times. And then it was like he thought Okay...she's really serious about this. I'd rather go play with my tractor than test Binga. Well, that was the morning. He decided he wanted to try again this afternoon...see if maybe Binga had forgotten about the whole air mattress thing during naptime. No such luck for him, but he still kept trying at least 6 more times!!! Whew. What a stinker. I pray that persistence will one day help him in doing something GOOD!!! :)
Saturday was Warrior Fest...a fun celebration the weekend of the College's first home game. It was fun. All the sports teams were out, there were bouncy things, food, booths. And the weather was PERFECT! Jacob loved playing with the soccer boys! He had a lot of fun kicking the ball. Not always in (or even toward!) the goal, but fun no less! :)
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