Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jacob the...Scholar??

Jacob's enthusiasm for school has waned...dramatically. I'm not really surprised, and I'm not concerned. He won't start kindergarten for 2 more years because his birthday is so late. He knows all his letters and sounds and numbers, can count to at least 30, can write his name with a little help (knows how to spell it), etc etc. So I'm not pushing it and let him decide when he wants to join us (except Bible time...that's mandatory). He does great with his Awana verses! The other day was a day he was more interested in doing school. I think it had more to do with the fact that he didn't want to play by himself than it did with the fact that he actually wanted to do any school! :) He said he wanted to do "coloring school" so he got out his pencil box and Case coloring book and started working (he turned to a maze). I turned back to work with Anna on Phonics and laughed when I looked back at Jacob and saw this...

Silly boy! I guess he needed 3 pencils to do this maze! :)

-- Sent from my Palm Pixi

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