Thursday, December 30, 2010
Perfect Christmas Card
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I'm Gonna Miss This
I keep hearing that song in my head (search for "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins if you haven't heard the song) and remember a blog post I read over a year ago. She talked about not wanting to wish away the precious moment with her children, especially when things are crazy, hectic, frustrating, and tiring.
I have a to-do list 6 miles long and not enough time to do it all before we leave in 1.5 days for Christmas Globe Travel 2010. And Isaac has started to be very fussy every evening for hours. The only thing he wants is to be swaddled, fed, or held. For a couple hours tonight as I sat here rocking and soothing him, all I could think about were the piles of laundry needing done, the suitcases needing packed, the floors needing swept & mopped, the bedrooms needing cleaned, the presents needing wrapped...on & on. And then I realized that instead of taking this time, frustrating as it maybe since I don't know why such a normally happy baby is so upset, to relish the snuggles and smile and connect with my baby...I was wishing it away so I could get *stuff* done. I remember the day he was born and how heartbreaking it was not to be able to hold him. And I think of my brother & his family and how they're told how often they can hold their baby, or my friend whose babies are 3 weeks old and she's only been able to hold them twice. Or my cousin & her family who will only hold their baby again in Heaven. How dare I wish away time to hold this miracle, and listen to his little snores, and watch his dreams play out on his face. Life is so precious. It is truly a gift from the Lord and I take it for granted far too often. So I promise myself and my children that I will try my hardest to never wish away any moments spent with them-whether it's holding a cranky baby, comforting a scared 5 year old in the middle of the night, or cuddling a tired 3 year old who just wants me to hold him.
Lord, thank You for blessing me with these three amazing children and please help me to never take for granted the time You give me with them, no matter the time of day or the length of my to-do list.
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Picture-less Christmas Letter
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sleepy Boy
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Quick...Catch Up!
Monday, December 13, 2010
One Month Already?!
He must have vivid dreams because he's always making faces in his sleep. He likes to be swaddled tight to sleep, loves his paci almost as much as he loves his milk, makes the cutest little noises in his sleep, and is lavishly loved by his siblings.
For a week now he's been sleeping "all night" most nights. I say "all night" because that's by baby standards! :) He will usually go 5-6 hrs. I put him down for the night midnight or after then he sleeps til 5 or later, eats and goes right back to sleep for another 2-3 hrs. He's eating at least 4 oz at every feeding. He's starting to get too long for newborn sized clothes but not quite long enough for 0-3 months.
Isaac also loves his car seat. Which is a good thing considering all the car time he's going to get over Christmas! As long as the van is moving, he'll stay asleep-even past his normal eating times. I hope that continues through the month! My other two hated their car seats!!
I still can't tell what color his eyes are going to be. Sometimes they definitely look darker-brown or hazel-and other days they look like they might be blue. His hair is definitely getting lighter, too, just like Anna's did. She had almost black hair at birth like Isaac & hers gradually lightened by the time she was one. Isaac definitely favors Anna in looks (and depending on who you ask, that means favoring Aaron or me/my brother Jeremy!).
Time is flying by so quickly. Before I know it he'll be mobile & moving around! But for now, I try to remember to soak up these precious newborn moments. What a treasure God gives us through these babies!!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Heart Talk
1. Mild Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis. This is the 2 valves that go from the heart to each lung. They should form a "Y" shape or even a right angle, but Isaac's are at an acute angle. It's fairly common in infants because everything is so squished up in there. More than likely he will outgrow this by the time he's one. It isn't causing any problems, so no cause for concern. We'll do another echo in three months to check on it.
2. At birth, he had a moderate Atrial Septal Defect-a hole in the right atrium that babies have in-utero. Usually closes up by birth, but Isaac's hasn't. However, it's already shrunk quite a bit so the cardiologist was very encouraged by that. Again, no cause to worry-check it again in 3 months.
3. He also had small Patent Ductus Arteriosis. Basically a hole in a valve above his left atrium. That is gone!
4. He also has an acceleration of blood flow in his aortic artery. It isn't significant enough to cause concern, so we'll follow up on that in 3 months as well.
I really like both the cardiologist & his nurse practitioner. He said there is no reason to worry about any of these issues. They are all common in babies and they usually outgrow them by a year, sometimes five. So, praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for us!
Oh yes, he weighs over 9 lbs already!!! Big sister loves to walk around holding him (she's not allowed off the carpet!) And Isaac loves it when she sits in front of the Christmas tree so he can see the lights!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sweet Dreams
Isaac must have some pretty sweet dreams-he always smiles, along with a dozen other expressions! I can't believe I caught his sleepy smile! I've been trying for several days. And with my phone, no less! Usually the flash makes him squint & frown. I can't wait until he smiles "for real" :)
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Necessity (or is it desperation?) is the mother of all invention, right? Since all of my makeup & such is in our bedroom, which is also Isaac's "nursery", I had to find some way to get ready that wasn't in the dark! Thus, the blanket over his bed. :) I could have taken everything into the bathroom, but this was much easier!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Its Beginning to Look...
A lot like Christmas at our house!! Christmas is easily my favorite holiday. Not only for the obvious Reason, but I just love the ambiance of the lights and some of my favorite memories are from Christmases past. I could spend a fortune on decorations :) and I coerce Aaron into putting up lights outside every year. I cannot even fathom not having lights up outside! I guess I come by it naturally if you've ever seen my parents' house! This will be the most challenging year to decorate-with 3 little ones, one who requires a LOT of Mommy (he thinks he's starving after an hour!!) and two big kids who want to help, but then they don't, but then they do... :) And of course not having all my energy back yet. But I'll get it done...for the most part anyway!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Friday, December 3, 2010
Do What Ya Gotta Do...
To survive some days! Aaron has to work this evening & well...they're not screaming at each other so I don't care!!!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Settling In
Anna was having a hard time going to sleep one night. She was feeling out of sorts and just needed some one-on-one attention. And of course wanted to hold Isaac! :) I took this picture of the two of them so she could take it to school and show her class. She was excited about that.
Jacob seems like a giant now! I remember the first time I held him after Isaac was born, thinking "holy cow, this kid is huge!" haha He's so gentle with Isaac, though. And he tries to play with Isaac's hair when he's tired! It's really funny. The other night Aaron was working and Jacob had woken up (or hadn't been to sleep yet, I can't remember) and of course, before I could get Jacob to go back to sleep, Isaac woke up ready to eat. So I sat on the floor next to Jacob's bed nursing Isaac. Jacob couldn't reach my hair, so he settled for Isaac's hair! It was precious.
He's becoming more alert and has more awake times. I love watching him look around and check things out.
Dad's Surprise
I LOVE the sink. It's nice & deep (actually perfect for Isaac's baths right now!), has a much bigger surface than my old one, and I really like the material and color. The faucet is awesome-it moves so I can swing it out of the way when I'm giving Isaac a bath! Mom said she debated getting one like that with kids, but figured they didn't have to be shown that it could move! :)
The vanity was one that Aaron got when he worked at the wood supply company-for whatever reason it was going to be thrown away! So it's been sitting in our shed for a couple of years. We're going to have a friend build a floor-to-ceiling cabinet next to the vanity for extra storage (and a hamper in the bottom!). We kept the same mirror and light fixture since they match the new vanity. Dad also moved the toilet over (not an easy task when you have to crawl under the house!!).
Last of the Hospital
A few more pictures from the hospital. Big sister and big brother are totally smitten...
I'm just still so surprised at Jacob's reaction to Isaac. I didn't really think he would have issues with a new baby, but I definitely didn't think he would be so enamored with Isaac! He still (2 weeks later) loves to hold him and especially begs to feed him! I can't wait to see them bond when Isaac is older. The only time Jacob doesn't like Isaac is when he really gets to crying. Then Jacob covers his ears and runs from the room! haha
Monday, November 29, 2010
This Little Piggy...
Okay, enough on that topic. Isn't he a doll?! :) He's still a very good baby-rarely cries. Unless he's getting his diaper changed (usually), doesn't get fed quickly enough, or is getting a bath! I can't keep things warm enough! My new bathroom sink is perfect for him, but until his cord falls off, I can't get him all the way in the water. So even with the heater on in the bathroom, it's pretty chilly! Aaron got to hear him really holler tonight!
Anna and Jacob are still adjusting (we all are!). They love Isaac but are acting out toward each other and Mom & Dad. Anna has become an expert antagonizer and Jacob fights back now! Staying consistent with first-time obedience is a challenge, but one that I know will pay off. Not 5 minutes after Papa & Binga left today, they started in!!! Bedtime was a drawn out affair. Aaron finally realized (I never caught on) that Anna just needed some attention and she was to the point that she didn't care if it was positive or negative. So he spent a while rocking her and she finally settled down. It's been hard (and will only be harder now that we're "on our own") juggling the needs of all three kids!! But we'll get it figured out...hopefully sooner than later!
Speaking of juggling and balancing, I better get to bed since Isaac is asleep! Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers. Keep up the prayers!!! :)
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Isaac's safe arrival, even after a stay in NICU. His bilirubin is all good now (which means I'm getting a bit more sleep at night, not having to wake him up at night to eat!). The only unanswered is the follow up echo on his heart, which I'm not worried about at all. I love snuggling up with this precious baby boy. And I think I'll finally have my brown-eyed baby! :)
Jacob continues to make me laugh (and scream!) every day. He is such a wonderful big brother. He absolutely adores his baby brother. I'm so thankful God has given us this child.
Anna is once again a fantastic big sister. She loves holding Isaac and is such a big helper. Her tender heart blesses me over and over.
Aaron is an amazing husband and father. He has really stepped up and has been a huge help with the house and Anna & Jacob. He wanted a turkey dinner today (family gatherings aren't until tomorrow and Saturday) so he took Anna to the store this morning and got everything and is cooking the whole meal!!! All this on top of trying to catch up on work for his 2nd job-we weren't expecting to be in the hospital until Thursday. Oh yes, and having Jacob sick from too much chocolate the other night.
Mom has been such a help. Even though her health isn't back to normal, just having her here has been a help. Plus she's been my chauffeur since I can't drive for 2 weeks (even though she's a crazy driver, right kids?!)! :) She's kept me sane the last couple days when Anna & Jacob have been acting up. She keeps her cool & disciplines them when I just want to pull my hair out!
Dad is a crazy man. He didn't sleep for 2 days because he snuck back to Sterling to redo my bathroom as a surprise! He put a heated tile floor in, took out a door, put in a new sink and vanity, and moved the toilet. All in 48 hours! He loves surprising people and he is incredibly talented in so many things. Plus the kids just adore Papa.
My in-laws made the trip out to be here when Isaac was born. Anna & Jacob had a great day with them. They are generous and giving. All that and they didn't even get to hold Isaac before they went home since he was still in NICU!
Our extended family and friends...we had so many people holding us and Isaac up in prayer. And our church family has blessed us with meals. The Ladies Aid made Isaac a beautiful quilt and blanket.
Our nephew Tate, born at 31 weeks, continues to surprise everyone with his continued progress and improvement. God's miracle, for sure!!! That little guy is a feisty fighter!
God's blessings have poured over us. His hand has been evident in the lives of these little ones (Isaac and Tate).
What a list to be thankful for!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Cuddle Bug
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A New Routine
He's nursing like a champ. He likes to fall asleep, but not nearly as bad as the other two. He gets his fill at every feeding, he's just pretty slow about it!
Sorry I haven't posted more pictures (or ones better than just from my phone!). We're trying to settle into a new routine and get things put away.
It's taken me so long to finish this post I can't remember what picture I attached!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Home We Go...Sorta
Alright, I better feed Isaac so we can get on the road and be HOME!!!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The View from Here
He's doing great! Getting the hang of eating...slowly! He's a very good baby. Rarely cries and when he's awake, he loves to look around. He still has some trouble with gagging on his spit-up (or whatever it is) so it makes me nervous when he sleeps. He doesn't make a sound hardly when he's gagging. So I just snuggle him up next to me :)
The pediatrician came to check him out this afternoon & do his circumcision. I had no idea that he couldn't eat 2 hours before (plus I had no idea when they were coming for him!). So that got pushed back to this afternoon. He also heard a heart murmur that he wanted to do an echocardiogram to check out. He's sure it's nothing but wants to be safe. Oh-just got a call from the doctor & he's all clear! They still have to observe him for a couple of hours for the circumcision. The weather isn't great so we're going to stay at Jamie's tonight anyway. Yay!
Sent from Jennifer's BlackBerry
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
More Isaac :)
Introducing Isaac Jayden!
Papa & the kids stopped by before we headed to the hospital. The boys were enthralled with Word World. Although Hudson had a hard time deciding if he should look at the camera and say "CHEESE!" or watch the TV! :)
And he's here!!! Isaac was born at 2:02 pm weighing 8 lbs. 1.5 oz, measuring 20 1/2" long, with a 14 1/4" head!!! I really thought he was going to beat out Jacob for weight (I'm pretty sure he did for head size!), but Jacob had almost a pound on him. He has quite a bit of dark hair. And he cried big time-before he was even out! He was definitely the loudest of my three kids. Anna & Jacob didn't hardly make a peep.
He did great at first, but after about 10 minutes, he started retracting and taking shallow, rapid breaths. They put a pulse-ox monitor on him and his O2 stats were a little low. It's fairly common with c-section babies because they don't have the benefit of going through the birth canal and getting all that fluid squeezed out of their lungs.
They called NICU into the recovery room and after over an hour of him not improving, they decided to take him to NICU for observation (and ended up admitting him). His O2 would drop to the low-mid 80s, but as soon as he cried or they gave him oxygen, it would go right back up to upper 90s-100.
I didn't get to hold him very much-between cleaning him up, monitoring his pulse-ox, and then the NICU observing him. I knew he would be fine, but it was really, really hard not to be able to hold him and then to have him wheeled away where I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him...that was really tough.
But, it gave me plenty of motivation to get up and get moving a lot sooner than I ever did the other 2 times! By 10pm I had everything unhooked and was ready to try walking. To my surprise, it wasn't bad at all! So they took me down to the NICU to visit Isaac. He already had his oxygen helmet off and the nurse said he was doing great. I spent about an hour with him. He loves his pacifier (Jacob refused one, so I wasn't sure what he would do!), but he can't keep it in his mouth. :) He swallowed some amniotic fluid as well, so they put a tube down to his tummy to suck it out. Aaron & I went to see him this morning before shift change and the nurse said his breathing is better (he was breathing too rapidly) and they did another chest x-ray and bloodwork. We should know the results of those by lunch. I'm praying he gets out of there today, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Please continue to pray that Isaac keeps improving so he can move out of NICU. And pray for the rest of us, too. Anna isn't allowed into NICU to see him and she's pretty disappointed that she can't hold him yet. Jacob really doesn't get what's going on, especially since he hasn't seen the baby (except for pictures)! I'm feeling really good, so pray for my recovery to go as quickly & smoothly as it has so far. Also, pray for Jamie & Cassie...they're just a few doors down from us!