Friday, April 10, 2009

Latest Potted Plants...have you seen these??

Have you seen these latest potted plants?! They're crazy! The plant I got is redish in color, very big and will only get bigger (might have to get a bigger planter!), and takes lots of water and food to keep it thriving. This plant is definitely an outside plant and loves the warm weather and sunshine. You should check your local garden center to see if you can find one (good luck...I've heard the one I got is one of a kind). They're a great addition to your landscape!

Haha! :) He did this all on his own!! And he sat there for quite a while digging in the dirt and throwing it out. Hey, he was contained...I didn't care!

Fair warning...the rest of the post is just a bunch more pictures of my rare potted plant! :)

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