But then, I'm biased! Just a few pics of random things we've been doing. And a new favorite of Jacob's...
I can't even remember what she was doing, but I know she said "Take my picture Mommy!!" I just have to say God created one of a kind with this precious girl. She is such a sweet and sensitive child, yet can be so very stubborn (all from her Daddy! ;)) and defiant (very rarely, though). And she's a hoot! She discovered some 'new' cowboy boots, that are still a bit big, but she loves them. We were walking through the back yard and she said "I'm a girl cowboy!" Another time, she said "Heeey! The grass doesn't tickle my feet because I'm wearin' my cowboy boots!!!"
He, for whatever reason, LOVES sitting in the grocery cart like this. It's so odd, but then...he's so odd! haha I need to put the video of him and the bucket on his head. He's so special, my boy. :)
I asked him "Jacob, did you eat dirt again?" This was his answer. I think Aunt Joyce was right...he could charm the socks right off you! ;)
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