Friday, September 17, 2010

A Day in the Life

Seriously, who needs toys?! They honestly played in this stroller for over 30 minutes the other day. And have played off and on with it since. I told Anna I was going to sell all their toys and just give them the stroller and a cardboard box. She kinda panicked! haha

For some odd reason, she ended up sleeping in front of the door for naps one day. I have no idea why. She usually stays in her bed even if she doesn't sleep.

He dressed himself. What can I say?! He refused any pants, was adamant that he wear his Lightening shoes and camo John Deere socks. Alrighty then!

She's getting really good with her bike! She also named it Abby. Alrighty then!

I've officially reached the "shelf stage". :)

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