Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hurry Before School Starts!

We hadn't been up to Papa & Binga's house for quite a while and I wasn't so sure it was going to work before school started! We were so busy and the only week we had free, Mom had a treatment and other appointments. But, we squeezed it in the week before school started! I decided to have a garage sale and try to sell some more of the baby girl clothes and other stuff. As always, Papa was great to take the kids whenever I needed him to. And as always, they all had a GREAT time!

The old trucks from Great Grandma Mary...Binga is going to paint them (although some of them look practically brand new!). Jacob had a blast playing with them. Here, he's telling me that there's Papa, Binga, Mama, and Daddy :)

Binga had a "Power Port" put in for her treatments (her veins were getting shot from getting stuck every three weeks). So she brought home some goodies for the kids. I said "Anna, are you a surgeon?" To which she replied in a whisper "Mama, I'm just a kid. I can't do surgery!" :)

One evening, Papa took the kids to the park. I think this was the evening that Mom & I went to set up her display at the antique mall for her jewelry.

They even roasted hot dogs!!!

And the first time they had a boiled egg. I'm not a big egg eater. Anna will eat scrambled eggs, but Jacob doesn't seem to like them either. So I've never made boiled eggs for them. Anna had fun peeling it and ate the white of it but not the yolk (can't blame her!). I think Jacob might have tried the white, too.

Papa & Binga were selling their old washer & dryer and this was Jacob's favorite place to play during the garage sale!! :)

Such a wild man!!! Full of energy after his bath. He'll hate me for posting this picture but it's so funny.

But look at what an angel he is when he's sleeping!!! My precious boy.
We had a great time and Binga even came back with us (Jacob's party was the following week). The garage sale was a huge success even though we came back with about as many tubs of clothes. We sold a lot! But now they're all sorted and ready for the next consignment sale!
Whew...I think I'm almost caught up on the pictures!!!

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