Monday, September 13, 2010

Pool Time Fun!

Our neighbors have a pool. I really don't know why we don't use it more than we do. But a couple weeks this summer, the kids and I would head over almost every day after naps and play until Daddy got home and then beg him to come in and play with us! :)

Jacob loves it as long as you're holding him and he doesn't get his head wet. Even though Daddy tried to convince him otherwise!

He really liked jumping off the ladder. And he had NO concept of "if I jump and nobody catches me I'll drown" so you had to keep a close eye on him!

Anna LOVED swimming. But she didn't really entertain herself (which made it hard to be alone with both of them--Jacob wanting to be held, Anna wanting to be played with...). But we had a lot of fun. I keep telling Aaron I really would like a pool the next place we live but I don't think I've convinced him yet.

Haunting moon one evening.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

look at that farmers tan - whoa!